Now Available!

Money Flow
in a Dynamic

A New Vision of How a Dynamic-Growth Economy Can Work for Everyone

By Lawrence C. Marsh

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About the Book

Money Flow in a Dynamic Economy


How to Stop Inflation

Without Causing a Recession

(  Get consumers to save, spend less )

Positive solutions for our distorted money flow where middle-class workers are unable to buy back the value of the goods and services they produce, resulting in exploding private and public debt.

Money Flow in a Dynamic Economy delivers a powerful new perspective on the intersection of economics and politics. The book introduces professor Marsh’s money flow paradigm, which refutes age-old misconceptions about economic theory and explains how this more accurate understanding of the factors at play can help us effectively address the critical issues we face .

Readers will learn about Marsh’s keystone proposal for a new policy tool for the Federal Reserve Bank that would be much more effective in controlling inflation when the economy overheats, and in stimulating the economy in the face of an economic downturn without raising taxes or adding to the national debt: “My America” personal accounts for every person with a Social Security number that would allow the Fed to offer high savings account interest rates to discourage spending and encourage saving when excessive inflation threatens and the economy overheats.

Alternatively, when the economy falters and begins sliding into a recession, the Fed could offer small loans to individuals and small businesses at low interest rates. Providing funds directly to consumers who are most likely to spend it in periods of high unemployment will be much more effective and less expensive than the traditional “pushing on a string” policy of the Fed buying US Treasury securities in New York financial markets and hoping that some of that money would eventually trickle down to consumers to stimulate the economy.

This book delivers a fresh view of the interconnectedness of the globe and an updated understanding of the underlying economic forces that shape our lives today. Readers from business travelers to university students will rethink their basic assumptions about the nature of economics and the role of government.

Purchase your copy of Money Flow in a Dynamic Economy directly from Avila University Press, where all proceeds will go for student scholarships.

Other books by
Lawrence C. Marsh

Spline Regression Models (English)


Brain on Fire (newspaper columns)


Optimal Money Flow is also available anywhere books are sold, including:

About the Author

Lawrence C. Marsh

Lawrence C. Marsh is professor emeritus in the Department of Economics at the University of Notre Dame where he taught graduate and undergraduate economics for 30 years. He served as director of Notre Dame’s Ph.D. program in economics for 13 years. In “retirement” he served in 2010 as visiting professor of econometrics and statistics in the MBA program at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business and in 2016-2017 at Avila University in teaching statistics and research methods in psychology.

To access Marsh’s public website at Notre Dame, please visit his page on the university’s site, and keep up with his latest thinking here.

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Press Highlights

Book Review: Publishers Weekly

Book Review: Publishers Weekly

Marsh highlights the positive role government can play in nurturing a sound economy, both on the national and international stages.

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Audiobook Review: AudioFile Magazine

Audiobook Review: AudioFile Magazine

Narrator Andrew Cullum energizes Marsh’s Optimal Money Flow with optimism and vocal zest

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The Killing Time Podcast

Podcast: The Killing Time Podcast

Larry was a guest on the Killing Time Podcast, discussing “How to Deal With Our Economic Instability.

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The ReConsider Economics Podcast

Podcast: The ReConsider Economics Podcast

What if The Fed Just Gave Us Free Money? w. Prof. Lawrence Marsh

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The Dave Pamah Show Podcast

Podcast: The Dave Pamah Show Podcast

Larry was a guest on the The Dave Pamah Show Podcast, discussing “Economic Solutions During Volatile Times.”

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Podcast: Making Money Sense Podcast

Larry was a guest on the Making Money Sense Podcast, discussing “Move money away from the rich to save our economy.”

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